I am pleased to inform you that this term our focus is to support Year 9 students to follow the Pathway Option process. This will allow students to transition into their next stage of KS4 education, starting in September 2022.
Parents with children in this key stage will know that many elements of their current curriculum continue to be compulsory, but there is an option to select subjects from within blocks to allow students some choice about their subjects to study in greater depth.
Information and process
As part of the process, there will be lots of support planned for informing students and there will be an option for parents and students to find out more about the subjects on offer. Some of which are not currently part of your child’s curriculum in KS3, for example Business Studies, in addition to subjects they are more familiar with. Every family will receive an option pathway booklet containing all the information needed to assist you as well as the form to indicate your child’s choices.
Key dates for you
Year 9 Parents Evening on Thursday 20 January 2022
Year 9 Pathway Options Information Evening on Thursday 27 January 2022
Due to current restrictions regarding large gatherings these events will take place virtually. You will be talked through the process as well as having access to subject information. Students will of course have the opportunity to hear information from teachers within school through the PREP programme. Subject staff will also facilitate opportunities for students to hear more about what subject study in KS4 is really like and the expectations of work and commitment needed to be successful.
It is important that everyone participates in the Pathway Options programme are fully informed of the facts, making sure any uncertainties are clarified at an early stage. Pathways that are chosen at this stage, whilst not totally binding, will be difficult to change once the courses are underway. We cannot guarantee that every student’s choice is met due to class sizes, teacher availability and subject combinations, but we will work with students and parents to do our very best to meet the student’s needs and requests.
On 27 January 2022 the option process will be fully explained to you by Miss Preston, Senior Teacher Discovery (Head of Year 9) and there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions. There will be an opportunity to talk to subject teachers during the Year 9 Parents Evening on Thursday 20 January 2022.
Further information will be sent out nearer the time on how to join the Pathway Options Information Evening and the timings of the event.
Please refer to the full letter in the link below
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