Year 9 News Hub



Year 9 News Hub



Welcome to the Year 9 News Hub

Here you will find all year related news items, what’s going on in the school, upcoming events and links to pdfs, letters and other important information. Also below you will find relevant year group parent letters and news.

The EP School to Tokyo Olympic Challenge is currently a community fitness campaign being driven by our PE department.

Year 9 Parent News

Year 9 Welcome Back

5 March 2021 Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 Welcome Back The time has finally arrived for us to welcome Year 9 students back to school. Your child’s tutors and I are very pleased that we are now in a position to do this and we are planning and preparing for their return...

Year 9 End of Term Letter

17 December 2020 Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 - End of Autumn Term  We have reached the end of a very successful first term for our Year 9 students which is reflected in the ClassCharts data for Year 9.  Since starting school in September, students have been awarded...

Year 9 End of Term and Assessments

Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 End of Term and Assessments We have reached the end of our first half term, with our ‘new normal’ systems and procedures in place.  Our students on the whole have responded very well and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for...

Whole School News