A Crisscross Celebration

On Thursday 24th October students across the school took part in a range of exciting opportunities. Professionals from a range of businesses worked alongside the police, ambulance and public service visitors, teaching life saving skills. Years 8 & 9 had the opportunity to discuss career opportunities across these fields and start to develop their own online career portfolio through using the schools eClips careers package.

Alongside the professional organisations in the school, we also arranged a keynote speaker to spend an hour with the whole of year 9, delivering a session on aspiration and reaching potential. Year 11 took part in sessions which blended ‘Revolution Hive’ an organisation championing mindset and skills needed to be successful in their final exam year. We blended this organisation with Maths, Miss Devine linked with the team to create a fun thought provoking day which prepared our students with the tools required to push themselves and excel.

Finally year 7 had a whole range of activities based around ‘Bike it’. Learning maintenance, and orienteering, and also having the opportunity to cycle out for an hour. A huge thanks goes to all staff and visitors for helping create a rich diverse day. #EPCSchool