Year 11 News Hub
Welcome to the Year 11 News Hub
Here you will find all year related news items, what’s going on in the school, upcoming events and links to pdfs, letters and other important information. Also below you will find relevant year group parent letters and news.
Year 11 Student News
Year 11 Parent News
Year 11 Digital Learning
Dear Parents/Carers As a school we want to give all Year 11 students the best chance of being successful in their upcoming external examinations. In previous years we have put great emphasis on the use of digital learning resources, as they have been proven in all...
Year 11 End of Term letter
Dear Parents/Carers Year 11 End of Term It has been wonderful to have our Year 11 students back with us. It feels like a long time without them, despite the sessions during the summer term during lockdown and I am proud of how they have started the new academic...
Year 11 Parents Evening
GCSE Science revision guides letter combined science
Dear Parents/Carers Please find below a letter from Mrs Hird, Head of Science, inviting you to purchase a GCSE Combined Science Revision Guide. We will be placing the order on Thursday 15 October 2020 to enable us to issue the books to students before they leave for...
Whole School News
Year 9 End of Summer Term Letters
Y9 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 - End of Summer Term 2022 I think I say this every year but I cannot believe how quickly the last academic year has gone. As a cohort we have ended the year in a strong position amassing over...
Year 8 End of Summer Term Letters
Y8 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 8 - End of Summer Term 2022 As we come to the end of another successful academic year, our year group has achieved an earth shattering 109,219 positive points. My thanks to all the children who...
Year 7 End of Summer Term Letters
Y7 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 7 - End of Summer Term 2022 As we come to an end of a busy term for Year 7 and a positive academic year, I am incredibly impressed with my year group, collectively they have achieved a fantastic...
Academy Consultation #9 06.05.2022 Written response to consultation questions and comments
Dear Parents and Carers Please CLICK HERE for the written feedback to your questions and responses to the good/ bad additional comments captured within the online google form. We hope that this feedback together with Mrs Cook's VIDEO provides you with the assurance...
KOOTH Online Mental Wellbeing Support – Young Peoples Info Session 09.05.2022 6pm-7pm
#KoothOnlineMentalWellbeingSupport As exams approach, more young people may be looking for some support with their mental health and wellbeing. For any young people who are interested in finding out more about Kooth, they host regular information sessions for young...