End of Term Early Closure and Non-School Uniform day – Friday 22 October 2021 – 1.30pm

I am writing to you with regard to the last day of the half term on Friday 22 October 2021.  The school will close to all students at 1.30pm.  This is to create time for teachers to undertake some essential training linked to safeguarding.

For your information on Friday 22 October, students will follow the schedule set out below:

8.40 Roll Call
8.50 – 9.20 PREP
9.20 – 10.30 Period 1
10.30 – 11.10 Extended break

(this is to ensure that all students who wish to purchase food or who are in receipt of a free school meal are able to)

11.10 – 12.10 Period 2
12.10 – 1.20 Period 3

(Students with their tutor.  They will need to make sure they have taken home all equipment, books, PE kit and pencil cases so these can be restocked ready for our return on 1 November).

1.20 – 1.30 PM Registration
1.30 Students from ALL year groups depart the school site.

If you wish for your child to remain in school on Friday 22 October until the normal time of 3.10pm, arrangements can be made to supervise them in the school library.  Students can either quietly read or complete independent work.  If you wish for your child to remain in school, please email attendance@epschool.org.

Friday 22 October is also a non school uniform day.  Students will need to bring in £1 to take part in order to raise money for one of the charities supported by the school.  Students are still expected to have their tools for learning with them (school bag, pencil case etc) and as always, we expect students to be in clothes that are suitable for the school environment (no crop tops or overly ripped jeans).

The school will reopen to students on Monday 1 November 2021 at the normal time of 8.40am (Week B).

We wish you a restful half term.
