Year 8 – Online distance learning will take place on the 2nd 3rd and 4th of September, however, we look forward to welcoming Year 8 students back into school for face-to-face teaching on Monday 7th September.
The timings of the school day for students in Year 8 will operate as usual.
Students will be registered at roll call, at 8.40 and will also hand their mobile phone into their tutor. They will then be in the same classroom and the same seat for their lessons throughout the day, and different members of staff will come to teach their different lessons.
At break time and lunchtime, students will be able to socialise with friends from within their year group. They won’t however be able to mix with students from other year groups.
The school day for students in Year 8 will finish at the normal time of 3.10.
Year 8 to enter school at the side gate at reception…
Roll call in the quad in front of the benches (amphitheater).
Classes in the Humanities corridor.
Follow the yellow arrows on the map.
We’ve produced a series of videos for students, walking them through their return to school. Hope the students (and their parents) find them useful
Year 8 –
If you have any questions ask your questions in the EPCS parents group as these posts have been included there too
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