8 October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Online Appointment Booking EPCS6 Parents’ Evening 1, Thursday 15 October 4.30pm until 7.00pm

I would like to invite you to attend our EPCS6 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 15 October from 4.30pm to 7.00pm. Attendance by students and parents is always an excellent opportunity to get to speak to all the subject teachers and get a real insight into how well your child is progressing. Due to the current situation, we hope you appreciate that we will have to hold these appointments virtually using video call facilities. We ask that you book your appointments via the Parents’ Evening Booking System from the school website the link is below. You will receive an email confirming your appointments. Please visit this link https://epcs.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your appointments or click on you can go to the Parents’ Evening link on the school website www.epschool.org.

You will need to log in using the following information:
Parent’s Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms) / Parent’s First Name / Parent’s Surname / Parent’s Email address
Student’s First Name /  Student’s Surname /  Student’s Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

You will have until the end of Tuesday 13 October to book your appointments. Appointments will run from 4.30pm until 7.00pm. Due to time constraints appointments will be limited to 10 minutes and will be on a first come first served basis. If you have an issue which you need to discuss in more detail, then we ask that you arrange a separate appointment with the subject teacher at your convenience. If your child has the same teacher for more than one subject, please only book one appointment with that

The Parents’ Evening system will also be used to open the video call appointments, and you will need a device with a microphone and speaker, for example a smartphone or laptop/computer with a webcam to participate. Further instructions will be provided to you before the event.
We look forward to making contact with you and updating you on your child’s start to the year and despite the COVID restrictions there is much to be positive about, and that by working together we are giving the students every opportunity for success.
Yours faithfully

Mr R Tamale
Senior Teacher, Director of EPCS6

EPCS6 PE1 ltr 8.10.2020