Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to many of our current Year 11 students joining EPCS6 in September 2020
In light of the current situation with COVID-19, we are not going to be able to hold our usual sixth form transition days. As a result, to help the students prepare and feel ready for September, we have created the resources below. We’d encourage you to discuss this with your child.
1. A welcome to EPCS6 video from Mr. Tamale, Head of Sixth Form
2. A welcome to EPCS6 video message from Mr. Stalenheof, Second in Sixth Form –
3. Your journey to EPCS ‘train map’
4. Subject by subject transition work folder
5. Preparing for A-Levels: Recommended reading lists by subject
A number of current Sixth Form Students have produced a series of ‘EPCS6: The Unofficial Guide’ videos. These are being released every few days on our school Youtube Channel. Find the hyperlink to the playlist for these Unofficial Guide videos below:
We warmly encourage you and your child to subscribe to our Youtube Channel. This way, you will get email alerts when new videos are posted.
If you have any questions regarding your child joining EPCS6, don’t hesitate to contact me at
We look forward to welcoming the current Year 11 students to the sixth form in September.
Best wishes,
Ronnie Tamale
Head of Sixth Form