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W/c 11.09.2023 Uniform requirements
Based on the forecast for next week the whole school will return to normal winter uniform. Students will be expected to have a signed note from a parent to update the school about any items on backorder. We continue to receive updates from Stevensons but understand...
Open Evening – 20th September 2023
Open Evening at King's Academy Easthampstead Park - 20th September 2023 We look forward to welcoming Year 6 students and their families to our Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September. To book a place for our Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September, please complete...
W/c 04.09.2023 Uniform Requirements and Warm Weather Protocols
Warm Weather Protocols Dear Parents / Carers, Today we welcomed back Year 7 and 12 students. Tomorrow we welcome back all year groups to school. We are looking forward to seeing them and getting the busy Autumn term underway for all. Tomorrow the weather app indicates...
KAEP6 End of Summer Term 2023
KAEP6 - End of Term Letter - RT - 19.07.12
Year 10 End of Summer Term 2023
Year 10 End of Summer Term 2023.docx
Year 9 End of Summer Term 2023
Year 9 End of Summer Term 2023.docx
Year 8 End of Summer Term 2023
Year 8 End of Summer Term 2023.docx
Year 7, End of Summer Term 2023
Year 7 End of Summer Term 2023.docx
Year 10 End of Summer Term Letters
Y10 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 10 - End of Summer Term 2022 As the summer term draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all of your support over the last academic year. We have had a busy term...
Year 9 End of Summer Term Letters
Y9 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 - End of Summer Term 2022 I think I say this every year but I cannot believe how quickly the last academic year has gone. As a cohort we have ended the year in a strong position amassing over...
Year 8 End of Summer Term Letters
Y8 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 8 - End of Summer Term 2022 As we come to the end of another successful academic year, our year group has achieved an earth shattering 109,219 positive points. My thanks to all the children who...
Year 7 End of Summer Term Letters
Y7 End of Summer Term ltr 19.7.2022 18 July 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 7 - End of Summer Term 2022 As we come to an end of a busy term for Year 7 and a positive academic year, I am incredibly impressed with my year group, collectively they have achieved a fantastic...
Academy Consultation #9 06.05.2022 Written response to consultation questions and comments
Dear Parents and Carers Please CLICK HERE for the written feedback to your questions and responses to the good/ bad additional comments captured within the online google form. We hope that this feedback together with Mrs Cook's VIDEO provides you with the assurance...

KOOTH Online Mental Wellbeing Support – Young Peoples Info Session 09.05.2022 6pm-7pm
#KoothOnlineMentalWellbeingSupport As exams approach, more young people may be looking for some support with their mental health and wellbeing. For any young people who are interested in finding out more about Kooth, they host regular information sessions for young...

KOOTH Online Mental Wellbeing Support Registration
#KoothOnlineMentalWellbeingSupport It’s quick and easy to sign up to KOOTH and will only take a few minutes. No formal referral from a GP is needed and you can self refer at anytime. You can access a range of support options including: - Goal setting and journaling -...
Academy Consultation #8 – 03.05.2022 18.00 School Staff and teachers consultation closes on Tuesday 10 May 2022
Dear Staff and Teachers The consultation for staff and teachers closes on Tuesday 10 May 2022 Your feedback is important to us. We ask that you use the Google form to provide your feedback. To ensure your feedback is visible to all...
Academy Consultation #7 – 03.05.2022 18.00 Parents and Carers Consultation is now closed
Dear Parents and Carers The Parents and Carers consultation is now closed. We thank you for your feedback and understanding. We will endeavour add the responses on feedback received after 28.04.2022 17h00 to the website by this Friday 6 May 2022. We are aware that...
Academy Consultation #6 29.04.2022 Written response to consultation questions and comments
Dear Parents and Carers Please CLICK HERE for the written feedback to your questions and responses to the good/ bad additional comments captured within the online google form. We hope that this feedback together with Mrs Cook's VIDEO provides you with the assurance...
Academy Consultation #5 27.04.2022 A VLOG from the HT
Dear Parents and Carers Our headteacher, Mrs. Cook has prepared a Vlog for Parents and Carers regarding the academy consultation. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VLOG We will provide our written answers to your questions and responses to the good/ bad additional comments this...