The KAEP Character Award




What is it?

The KAEP Character Award is a means of supporting students with the development of their own character traits. Not every skill you work on within school can be measured with a test. The ability to show commitment to a project, to acquire social confidence, to persevere through and overcome setbacks, are all important lifelong skills you won’t be examined on, but are skills you will need for life nevertheless. This award will recognise the opportunities you’ve taken to show up and stand out!



What is the award?

Over the course of Discovery (Years 7-9) students will collect evidence to show their progress within the award. There are 3 levels within the award to be achieved: bronze, silver and gold. Each level is achieved once a certain level of evidence is gathered. Throughout the year, as a target is achieved, the student will be awarded with the appropriate colour lapel badge which they can add to their blazer. Progress towards each level of award will be shared with students via their tutor and end of term assemblies.


What do I have to do?

Students gather evidence to mark their progress, completing a booklet within tutor time at several points throughout the year. Tutors will encourage students to select targets that help them to achieve the
expected progress, as indicated below. All targets can be easily achieved through opportunities provided by the school, such as signing up to and regularly attending a club or conducting a tour of the school for
visitors. Carefully track student behaviour using ClassCharts, and use this system as our basis for awarding.

Y7 – aim for 12 targets = Bronze Level Award

Y8 – aim for 24 targets = Silver Level Award

Y9 – aim for 36 targets = Gold Level Award 


How do I prove I have achieved a target?

Each target is different and so we monitor achievements in various different ways. Some of your targets will be achieved automatically, such as your attendance target and your tutor will let you know at the end of the academic year or end of terms. Others are monitored by individual staff who update Raising Standards at  the end of each term. Others require you to show proof. You can always check with your tutor for clarification if needed. The School Council have been involved in developing the character award and we value their ideas as to what is valued and what we could include.