

Head of Department – Mr J Proctor

The design department comprises a number of different subjects operating with the creative curriculum. We encompass the teaching of Art, Photography, Technology, Food and Child Development with a large team of passionate educators offering extensive subject knowledge from KS3 through to KS5. As an ‘Arts Mark’ school, we strive to engage our students in the Arts within all our lessons and develop an understanding of how Art and Design benefits society.

KS3 Design

Curriculum intent:

Our KS3 curriculum comprises Fine Art, Resistant Materials, Textiles, Food Technology and Child development beneath the ‘Design’ banner. Central to our educational ethos is to instill a passion and excitement for creativity whether via a paintbrush, pan or pillar drill. We believe artistic expression and creative, practical  problem solving to be an integral tool children need to become successful adults. Art and Technology provide a platform for practical competence, life-skills and confident problem solving much sought after by every employer in the 21st century.

As an ‘Arts Mark’ school we are immensely proud to spearhead a passion for the arts within our students. The Design dept lead a ‘criss-cross’ day for yr 7 annually where the year group are responsible for producing a mural which decorate the school, and students can be proud of all through their time at EPCS.

We believe that young people must develop independence and practical knowledge which is why our Design curriculum is so important. Art enables un-constrained creative thinking and problem solving, and our food curriculum enable students to share nutritional knowledge and prepare healthy meals for themselves and their family. In an increasingly ‘disposable’ society we believe practical skills learnt in the Technology workshops can help the next generation engineer a brighter, more sustainable future.

The Design dept feel passionately about students gaining cultural as well as intellectual wealth during their time with us. To this end we would normally provide trips to Tate Modern, the Science Museum and a working organic farm during KS3. These visits feed directly into class-work and enable students the experience of the Arts and Technology in a non-classroom environment.

KS4 Design

In year 10 students embark on their GCSE/Level 2 journey in preparation for final examinations in year 11. 

Fine Art:

We want the students to be able to be creative and learn how to express themselves alongside developing the necessary technical skills to competently paint, draw, plan, evaluate, develop and refine their work as it progresses. We want our students to be independent and to confidently discriminate approaches. We want our students to have a no fear approach to their work, pushing the media and discovering their own creative voice. We want our students to explore techniques, processes, concepts and develop an understanding of culture and how art impacts society. This independence and resilience will enable our students to be successful in building a quality portfolio of coursework. The wide variety of artists selected for study have been specifically chosen to broaden the students’ knowledge as well as their confidence using specialist materials and media, to cater for both the confident student and those who have yet to find their individual voice.

Students will, over time, reflect critically upon their creative journey and its effectiveness in relation to their own outcomes, enabling them to confidently make informed choices finding joy and success in the exploration of the creative subjects.


Students with any inclination towards creativity, digital expression and cultural awareness will thrive studying Photography at GCSE. It provides an integral basis for any further study in the Arts, and a gateway into the creative industries. Fine Artist, Architect, Graphic designer, Illustrator, Fashion Photographer, Advertising Photographer, Documentary Photographer,  Film-maker, Director, Computer game designer, Comic artist, Art Director, Fashion designer, Set designer, Conceptual artist…… the list of lucrative and successful professions which begin with a GCSE in Photography is endless. As the world changes, media is at the heart of how we interact with it. Understanding and utilising the historical, technical, and artistic importance of photography, and its influence on the 21st century is at the root of this course.  EPCS offers an extremely well equipped Photography department, and teaching staff with a passion for the subject and desire to see students succeed in their classroom and beyond.

3D Design:

Our 3D design course at EPCS is unique in its scope, ethos and delivery. We have a strong belief in the need for a practical education that bridges the gap between traditional engineering and Art courses. Where the majority of current Technology and Engineering GCSE courses are predominantly weighted towards written exams- 3D design bridges the gap between art studio and workshop by providing a practical syllabus in an arts context.  This course will suit students with a creative impulse to realise intentions away from the traditional 2D canvas, paper, pencil and paintbrush. Operating within the security of the Design department, students will have the opportunity to further develop 3D construction skills explored through KS3 in both Art and Technology lessons. Students will work in a variety of materials from wood, metal and clay to produce Artworks linked to revered 3D artists and designers. This course provides a practical avenue for students who wish to pursue a career within the trades, engineering or design professions.

Extra Curricular Opportunities

The Design department offers a number of educational visits throughout KS3, KS4 and KS5

Year 7 Food – Trip to a farm
Year 8 Art – Trip to the Science Museum
Year 9, 10 & 11 Art & Photography – London gallery visit
Year 10 3D Design – Trip to the Design Museum
Year 10 Hospitality & Catering – Trip to France and a Trip to a London Hotel professional kitchen
Year 10 Art & Photography – Trip to Brighton
Year 11 3D Design – Trip to Harry Potter World
KGAEP6 Art & Photography – London gallery visit

The Design department also offer after school opportunities for KS3:

Art club
Cooking club