Year 10 – End of Summer Term

16 July 2021 Dear Parents/Carers Year 10 – End of Summer Term It has been wonderful to have the Year 10 cohort back with us from March and for them to catch up with their friends. Since the return they have shown great pride and perseverance in spite of all the...

Year 9 – End of Summer Term

16 July 2021 Dear Parents/Carers Year 9 – End of Summer Term What a year we have had. A mixture of face to face learning, with online learning mixed in. I have to say it has been really nice to see the Year 9 students adapt, reflect and approach school with such...

Year 8 – End of Summer Term

16 July 2021 Dear Parents/Carers Year 8 – End of Summer Term Firstly, I just wanted to congratulate all Year 8 students who have navigated their way through a very tricky and unpredictable year. Students have risen to the challenge and adapted well to the...