OFSTED Report 2021
We are thrilled to announce that following our recent inspection on 10th and 11th November 2021, OFSTED has recognised our school as being ‘Good’ in all areas.
A huge ‘congratulations’ and a big ‘thank you’ to our students, parents, teachers, support staff, governors and our local community - all of whom contribute to making our school such a special place to be.
Some highlights from the report:
“Pupils enjoy coming to their happy and inclusive school.”
“There is a strong ethos of mutual respect, courtesy and care for others.”
“Pupils feel safe and well cared for. They know that there is always someone to go to if they have any worries.”
“Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They value the educational opportunities that they receive and want to succeed.”
“Leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils.”
“Reading is a top priority. Leaders are ambitious that all pupils should develop a love of reading.”
“The curriculum is well defined.”
“The effective sixth-form curriculum supports students in their academic subjects and wider experiences. Students achieve well, and they go on to their choice of either apprenticeship, work or study at a range of universities.”
“[Students are] well informed about different career pathways and future study options.”
“Leaders have established a culture where the well-being and safety of pupils are given the highest importance.”
“Governors are skilled and knowledgeable.”
Click here to view our full OFSTED report
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