Admissions into Year 7
From November 2022, we became an Academy School, within a Multi Academy Trust, Kings Group Academies. Admissions for Year 7 entry must still be made to your home local authority.
If you are considering applying for the Year 7 September 2025 intake at Kings Academy Easthampstead Park, then the school must be named as a preference on your application to your home local authority.
The application process will open on 12th September 2024 and National Closing Date for applications to be received is 31st October 2024. Please contact your home local authority for further information regarding the admissions process.
Before you apply, please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.
All of our admissions are handled by Bracknell Forest Council’s Schools Admissions Team. The admissions arrangements can be found to the right of this page.
Outcomes will be provided by your home local authority on NATIONAL OFFER DAY ON THE 3rd MARCH 2025.
If you are offered a school place
If a school place has been offered, you will need to confirm your acceptance of this offer by the deadline provided within your outcome letter from your home local authority.
Once your acceptance has been received and the school has been informed of all those allocated for September 2025 you will be contacted directly by the school regarding transition dates and enrolment.
If you are not offered a place
If we have not been able to offer your child a place, this is because there were more applications for the school than there were available places, and not all requests for places could be met. Places are allocated in line with the admissions criteria published and your application was not ranked high enough to obtain a place.
For late applicants: If we have not been able to offer your child a place, this is because the school has reached its admissions number (the maximum number of children that can be admitted to the year group for September 2025) from the initial round of admissions.
The local authority can provide you with further information regarding waiting lists, and details on how to exercise your right to appeal