Relationships and Sex Education

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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) forms an important part of the PSHE programme. The lessons should build upon previous knowledge and be informative and educational, thus enabling students to make informed decisions in the future. I would like to highlight the topics that are being covered in each year group so that you can be prepared for any questions your child may ask at home. Although these lessons are obviously guided by the teacher, sessions are often led by the questioning from students so please be aware that lessons are not limited to solely these topics and other areas may be discussed. Each session will use a variety of resources ranging from books, worksheets, powerpoints, and videos. This part of the course will be covered during the following time frames:

Year 9 will discuss morality and the law surrounding sexual activity as well as discussing STIs and contraception during their lessons in March.

Year 10 will discuss SRE during their lessons between September and December – First focusing on healthy relationships before moving onto sexual attitudes and responsibilities and methods of contraception.

Year 11 will consider the dangers of online sexual images, pornography as well as issues surrounding sexuality during their lessons between November and December.

Each tutor group will also be visited by the Bracknell Forest Sexual Health Team. Usual teaching staff will not be present during these sessions to allow students the freedom to ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking a teacher.

Clicking below shows the topics each year group will learn about.

Year 7

Body changes

Students will:

Understand that puberty is only one of many changes they have or will experience.

Recognise and understand changes taking place in their bodies.

Identify the changes that take place in boys and in girls and the stages in which they happen.

Personal Hygiene

Students will:

Recognise why good personal hygiene routines are important especially during puberty.

Identify means of managing hygiene during puberty.

Understand the links between personal hygiene and health.

Emotional changes

Students will:

Recognise the range of changes in feelings and attitudes caused by hormonal changes during puberty.

Devise strategies for coping with mood swings.

Understand that emotional changes affect both boys and girls.

Year 8

Love and relationships

Students will:

Recognise what makes a good friendship.

Distinguish between different types of love.

Understand that puberty can lead to changes in relationships.

Recognise the difference between appropriate and inappropriate relationships.


Students will:

Identify how social media can be misused.

Discuss the dangers of sexting.

Understand the consequences of sexting.

Year 9


Students will:

Review methods of contraception and how they work.

Understand the effectiveness of different methods of contraception in reducing unwanted pregnancy and the spread of STIs.

Identify reasons for delaying sexual activity.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):

Students will:

Identify the symptoms, consequences and treatment associated with various STIs.

Understand how to protect themselves from STIs.

Recognise the degree of risk of contracting STIs that is involved in a range of activities.

Sex, Morality and the Law:

Students will:

Understand the law in relation to sexual activity.

Recognise that people have a range of views about the morality of sexual activity.

Identify their own values in relation to sexual activity.

Teenage Pregnancy and Lone Parenting

Students will:

Explore some of the issues affecting lone parents.

Assess the impact of teenage pregnancy on young people.

Consider personal responses to teenage pregnancy.

Year 9 will also have Judy Galvin, a Bracknell Forest  ‘Sexual Health Youth Worker’ and her team of colleagues deliver one of their SRE sessions. She will:

Discuss reasons for abstaining and participating in sexual activity.

Identify various methods of contraception and their reliability.

Identify how to avoid STIs.

Usual teaching staff will not be present during these sessions to allow students the freedom to ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking a teacher.

Year 10

Sexual Responsibility, Attitudes and Lifestyle

Students will:

Identify the factors that influence sexual behaviour.

Recognise the need for sexual responsibility.

Contrast a range of sexual lifestyles and reflect on their attitudes towards them.

Marriage, Separation and Divorce

Students will:

Consider the meaning and responsibilities of marriage.

Identify factors that can make or break a marriage.

Recognise the effects of marital breakdown on families.

Domestic Violence

Students will:

Consider the concept of ‘control’ within a relationship.

Discuss the signs of an abusive relationships.

Identify the impact an abusive relationship can have on individuals.

Year 10 will also have Judy Galvin, a Bracknell Forest ‘Sexual Health Youth Worker’ and her team of colleagues to deliver one of their SRE sessions (although not necessarily during the time that SRE is delivered as a unit). She will:

Discuss reasons for abstaining and participating in sexual activity.

Identify various methods of contraception and their reliability.

Identify how to avoid STIs.

Usual teaching staff will not be present during these sessions to allow students the freedom to ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking a teacher.

Year 11


Students will:

Explore how the media can influence expectations within relationships.

Identify reasons why people may choose watch pornography.

Discuss the negative impacts of pornography on young people.

‘Talking Trans’

Students will:

Understand what it means to be transgender.

Identify the (currently understood) biological reasons why someone may be transgender.

Discuss the social difficulties that transgendered people experience.

Year 11 will also have Judy Galvin, a Bracknell Forest ‘Sexual Health Youth Worker’ and her team of colleagues to deliver one of their SRE sessions (although not necessarily during the time that SRE is delivered as a unit). She will:

Discuss reasons for abstaining and participating in sexual activity.

Identify various methods of contraception and know of their reliability.

Identify how to avoid STIs.

Usual teaching staff will not be present during these sessions to allow students the freedom to ask questions that they may not feel comfortable asking a teacher.