Dear Parents / Carers
This is an extract from the updated guidance.
As part of the Step 3 road map, it has been determined that it is no longer necessary to recommend the additional precautionary face-covering measures that we recommended from 8 March. The decision to lift further restrictions at Step 3 has followed a review of the latest data on infection and vaccination rates.
From 17 May, in line with Step 3 of the roadmap, face coverings will no longer be recommended for pupils and students in classrooms or communal areas, in all schools and FE providers. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. In all schools and FE providers, we continue to recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas).
EPCS Approach
The wearing of face coverings will be optional from Monday 17th May for students and staff. It is expected that the majority of staff and students may choose to no longer wear a face covering but if they do so it must be worn correctly.
Face coverings will no longer be issued to students who have forgotten them. Staff and students are reminded of the need to maintain other measures such as regular handwashing, maintaining social distancing, and cleaning equipment if required. Students are expected to comply with staff requests in respect to this as they do now.
It is important we continue to work together to maintain a kind and safe environment. 
Visitors are expected to enter the school building only if free of COVID symptoms and wear a mask until they have been asked to no longer do so This will be at the attending staff’s discretion.
Kind regards
Mrs. Liz Cook