Dear Parent/Carers
We are now able to confirm the details of our COVID-19 testing and return to school programme. Attendance on-site prior to Monday 8 March is only for EPCS6.

Students must strictly observe social distancing whilst on-site and travelling to and from school. From Monday 8 March, students should attend in uniform so they are clearly identified as having a reason for
being out of the house as we will still be subject to national lockdown. It is also an opportunity to check everything is in order for their return. Students will of course require a mask and hand sanitiser.

Please find below the schedule for each tutor group’s opportunity to be tested for the first and second lateral flow test. Year 11 will have their second test on Monday 15 March. The third and final tests for
all year groups will be in PE lessons during the week of Monday 15 March. Please check the schedule carefully and ensure your child is aware of the times they are required in for testing, to be in school and to participate in online learning.

We will only test students for whom we have consent but all students may need to attend the testing venue due to the need for supervision once school is in session. Please make sure you have checked the times carefully so we can manage social distancing and minimise waiting times. If you have siblings we may be able to accommodate you, contact Welfare for more details, paperwork will be organised by tutor group order so we will need notice.

Testing schedule by tutor group

Tutor Group Tutor Covid Test 1 Covid Test 2
Date Time Date Time
Year 7
7Y1 – 7D4 Mr J Sheldon Monday 8 March 9.30am -10. 30am Thursday 11 March 12.30pm -1.30pm
7Y2 – 7D5 Mrs T Randle Monday 8 March 9.30am -10. 30am Thursday 11 March 12.30pm -1.30pm
7Y3- 7D6 Mr D Carpenter Monday 8 March 9. 30am – 10.30am Thursday 11 March 12.30pm -1.30pm
7X1- 7D1 Miss A Greenshields Monday 8 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Thursday 11 March 1.30pm -2.30pm
7X2 -7D2 Mrs L Crallan Monday 8 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Thursday 11 March 1.30pm -2.30pm
7X3 -7D3 Mr M Lowe Monday 8 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Thursday 11 March 1.30pm -2.30pm
Year 8
8Y1- 8D4 Mr S Powers Tuesday 9 March 9.30am -10. 30am Friday 12 March 9.30am -10. 30am
8Y2-8D5 Mr S Blay Tuesday 9 March 9.30am -10. 30am Friday 12 March 9.30am -10. 30am
8Y3-8D6 Miss K Johnstone Tuesday 9 March 9. 30am – 10.30am Friday 12 March 9. 30am – 10.30am
8X1 -8D1 Mrs C Stevenson Tuesday 9 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Friday 12 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
8X2- 8D2 Mr J Oates Tuesday 9 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Friday 12 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
8X3- 8D3 Mrs F Bland Tuesday 9 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Friday 12 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
Year 9
9Y1 – 9D4 Mr T Jones Monday 8 March 1.30pm -2.30pm Thursday 11 March 9.30am -10. 30am
9Y2 – 9D5 Ms A Evans Monday 8 March 1.30pm -2.30pm Thursday 11 March 9.30am -10. 30am
9Y3- 9D6 Mr R Moth Monday 8 March 1.30pm -2.30pm Thursday 11 March 9. 30am – 10.30am
9X1- 9D1 Miss K Lees Monday 8 March 12.30pm -1.30pm Thursday 11 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
9X2-9D2 Miss J White Monday 8 March 12.30pm -1.30pm Thursday 11 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
9X3-9D3 Mr J Clark Monday 8 March 12.30pm -1.30pm Thursday 11 March 10. 30am – 11.30am
Year 10
10Y1-10D3 Ms T Dinklemann Tuesday 9 March 1.30pm -2.30pm Friday 12 March 12.30pm -1.30pm
10Y2 -10D4 Miss S Burrows Tuesday 9 March 1.30pm -2.30pm Friday 12 March 12.30pm -1.30pm
10X1 – 10D1 Mr J Proctor Tuesday 9 March 12.30pm -1.30pm Friday 12 March 1.30pm -2.30pm
10X2 -10D2 Miss B Hobbs Tuesday 9 March 12.30pm -1.30pm Friday 12 March 1.30pm -2.30pm
Year 11
11Y1-11D3 Mr M Wedge Wednesday 10 March 9.30am -10. 30am Monday 15 March 8.30am-10.30am
11Y2-11D2 Mrs A Hird Wednesday 10 March 9.30am -10. 30am Monday 15 March 8.30am-10.30am
11Y3-11D4 Miss C Pettipas Wednesday 10 March 9. 30am – 10.30am Monday 15 March 8.30am-10.30am
11X1-11D5 Mr M Stubbs Wednesday 10 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Monday 15 March 8.30am-10.30am
11X2- 11D1 Ms P Devine Wednesday 10 March 10. 30am – 11.30am Monday 15 March 8.30am-10.30am
EPCS 6 All tutor groups Friday 5 March 8.30am -10am Wednesday 10 March 12.30pm -1.30pm


Year schedules for testing, online learning and in school provision

Year 7
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
Tutor On line lessons tutor Roll call

Return to school

Roll call On line lessons tutor Roll call
1 Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school On line lessons Lessons in school
2 Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school On line lessons Lessons in school
3 Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school
4 On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school
5 On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school


Year 8
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor Roll call

Return to school

On line lessons tutor
1 On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Virtual trip challenges on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing
2 On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Virtual trip challenges on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing
3 On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Virtual trip challenges on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing
4 On line lessons On line lessons Virtual trip challenges on line Lessons in school On line lessons
5 On line lessons On line lessons Virtual trip challenges on line Lessons in school On line lessons



Year 9
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor Roll call

Return to school

On line lessons tutor Roll call


1 On line lessons Environment challenges day on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school
2 On line lessons Environment challenges day on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school
3 On line lessons Environment challenges day on line Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school
4 Independent work or attending for testing Environment challenges day on line Lessons in school On line lessons Lessons in school
5 Independent work or attending for testing Environment challenges day on line Lessons in school On line lessons Lessons in school


Year 10
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor Roll call

Return to school

Roll call


On line lessons tutor
1 On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school On line lessons
2 On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school On line lessons
3 On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school On line lessons
4 On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing
5 On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school Independent work or attending for testing


Year 11
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor Roll call

Return to school

Roll call

Return to school

1 On line lessons On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school
2 On line lessons On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school
3 On line lessons On line lessons Independent work or attending for testing Lessons in school Lessons in school
4 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
5 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
C Hour On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school


EPCS 6 Reminder testing period before the 8th
Period Monday 8th March Tuesday 9th March Wednesday 10th March Thursday 11th March Friday 12th March
On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor On line lessons tutor Tutor time

Return to school

Tutor time

Return to school

1 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
2 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
3 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
4 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school
5 On line lessons On line lessons On line lessons Lessons in school Lessons in school


It is strongly encouraged that students participate in the testing to keep themselves and others safe.  We would be grateful if your consent could be given as soon as possible if you have not provided it already. We will send new consent forms to those families who we do not currently hold consent for should your wishes have changed. 

Prior to arrival for testing

Please could you share with the students the attached document so that they understand the testing process.  They will also be shown a video by their Heads of Year next week. Students should wear a mask and walk/cycle to school where possible.  To reduce numbers on site we ask parents not to accompany the students to the test.

We know that some students may be anxious about testing.  Please reassure them that they will be looked after, lots of faces in the test centre will be very familiar and they will be supported through each step.  We have been operating the centre since the start of January, our vulnerable/key worker students have taken the test many times so the team are familiar with the process, looking after them will be our priority.

On arrival

Please arrive at the correct time and enter via the lower playground entrance.  Students should report to the rear door of the gym and join the queue socially distancing (staff will be there to direct you).  Students should wear a face covering and sanitise their hands when asked.


To help speed up the process, students will be pre-registered onto the NHS test system using the details we already hold.  At the registration desk we will check that consent has been given and issue a named test card with a set of barcodes.


Students will then enter the gym.  Once at the front of the queue, students will be sent to a numbered bay.  At the bay a member of staff will ask the student to remove their mask, blow their nose (bin the tissue) sanitise their hands and talk them through how to swab their mouth and nose, staff will absolutely look after them during the process.

Once the student has completed the swab, they will be asked to replace their mask and wipe down surfaces. Students will then follow the one-way system and exit the building.  They should go straight home or back to lessons (if you have already returned to school).


We will process the tests on site and a result will be sent to the primary contact email and phone number on the school system.  We have had some minor issues with the delivery of results through the NHS test system so if there is a positive test result we will contact you directly.  If you do not receive the NHS message or a call from school, the test will have been negative.  If there is a positive test then government advice regarding isolation must be followed.  Students do not need a confirmatory PCR test when the test has been completed under supervision at school.

Home testing

We are carrying out mass testing not only to keep the community safe but to train the students in how to test effectively.  From the week beginning 15th March we will issue students with home testing kits.  The expectation is that students will test twice weekly at home for the remainder of this term with families responsible for reporting the results.  (We will issue full information when we have it).

Online Learning

As you can see from the programme above, a great many staff will be involved in testing.  To test, plan and re-open quickly and safely will inevitably mean a reduction in live lessons.  Therefore, from Friday 5th March, staff have been asked to deliver live lessons where possible, but otherwise to ensure independent work is set via Google Classroom.  We would still like students to follow the timetable and access Google Classroom at the designated time to complete set work or attend the live lesson.  Registers will be taken as normal during live lessons or by the teacher checking that the work has been uploaded.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if we receive a positive result?

We will follow the same procedures as Test and Trace.  Positive cases and close contacts have to isolate for 10 days.

What about those who have already received a vaccination?

Those who have had a vaccine will still need to test, at present those vaccinated may still carry the virus.  If a positive result is received the isolation rules still apply.

What about those with a confirmed positive case?

If you have a confirmed positive result in the last 90 days you are not required to test.  If you do attend and receive a positive result, the isolation rules will still apply.

Is testing compulsory?

No.  However, we are strongly encouraging participation to keep the whole community as safe as possible.

Are staff testing?

Yes. Staff will be able to test up to twice a week.

Will staff absence be an issue?

Potentially.  A small number of staff may not be able to attend the site for personal reasons or due to isolation.  Where possible, staff will deliver live lessons from home with a Learning Supervisor monitoring the class.

Do I have to attend school?

Yes. The government have restored the normal legal requirements regarding school attendance.  Individual concerns should be addressed to your Head of Year.


In the meantime, thank you so much for your ongoing support.  Whilst it may be a busy couple of weeks, we are delighted to be welcoming the students back we will support them through the testing process and look forward to seeing them soon. Please bear with us whilst we follow the guidance and comply with the testing schedule required.

Liz Cook


Data protection Covid testing FAQs for parents 1.3.2021

March return to school ltr 1.3.2021