J:\Parents Evenings\Parents Evening 2020-2021\Destiny Y9-Y10\Destiny Wellbeing Meetings Y9-10 ltr 24.9.2020.doc

24 September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Discovery School Years 9 and 10 Wellbeing Appointments, Thursday 1 October 2020, 2.00pm – 7.00pm

We would like to invite you to participate in a 10 minute virtual Wellbeing appointment with your child’s tutor on Thursday 1 October. This is an opportunity to discuss how your child is settling back into school and their current ClassCharts record. Your child should attend this appointment with you. We have also shared some pass targets with you that your child can choose to focus on, in this academic year. We hope you can discuss this with them and choose one target they feel might move them forward and share this with the tutor at the meeting. The tutor will use some time in PREP to discuss some additional ones. This information is also available on pages 19 and 20 of your child’s Student Handbook.

As the year progresses the tutor will check in with your child to see what progress they have made. Goal setting helps children to have a clearer idea of what they might set out to achieve and build resilience as they can take ownership of achieving them. Due to the current situation, we hope you appreciate that we will have to hold these appointments virtually using video call facilities. To facilitate this evening and to provide staff with a suitable break, students will leave school early at 1.20pm on Thursday 1 October, so please ensure that you have made arrangements to
accommodate them. We ask that you book your appointment via the Parents Evening Booking System. To do this, please visit https://epcs.parentseveningsystem.co.uk to book your appointment or click on the Parents Evening link on the school website (www.epschool.org)
You will need to log in using the following information:

  • Parent’s Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms)
  • Parent’s First Name
  • Parent’s Surname
  • Parent’s Email address
    Student’s First Name
  • Student’s Surname
  • Student’s Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

You will have until the end of Tuesday 29 September to book your appointment. Appointments will run from 2.00pm until 7.00pm. Due to time constraints tutors will limit the appointment to 10 minutes. If you have an issue which you need to speak to your child’s tutor about in more detail, then we ask that you arrange a separate appointment with the tutor at your convenience. The Parents Evening system will be used to open the video calls, and you will need a device with a microphone and speaker, for example a smartphone or laptop/computer with a webcam to participate. Further instructions will be provided to you before the event.


We look forward to making contact with you and updating you on your child’s start to the year and despite the
COVID restrictions there is much to be positive about.

Yours faithfully
Mr S Puttick
Head of Destiny School

Link to pdf  20200925 Destiny Wellbeing Meetings Y9-10 ltr 24.9.2020 (1)