With the shift in focus of the reformed Science GCSE course, there is a greater demand than ever on students’ ability to learn and recall key facts and knowledge.  Many of our students find mastering this body of scientific knowledge challenging. To support our students with their learning in Science, we have purchased an online service called Tassomai, http://www.tassomai.com.

Tassomai reinforces students’ learning through quizzing.  Students answer questions to check their scientific knowledge and are provided with tutorials for any knowledge they get wrong.  The programme can be accessed on a desktop computer, or on a smartphone or tablet via a free app.

Tassomai organises students’ independent revision and supports them in learning all the facts they need for their GCSE Science exams.  It analyses performance and tailors its revision programme to the individual so they can fill any gaps in their knowledge.  Other schools have found that students who regularly use Tassomai (for 20 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week) perform notably better than their peers.

We are aware of other local schools offering parents the opportunity to purchase access to Tassomai for their child.  However, we have taken the bold approach to fund this for all students, so all have access to this fantastic resource and therefore the best possible chance of achieving the best grades in their Science GCSE.

From the start of Term 4, it is an expectation that all Year 11 students access Tassomai for between 15-20 mins, 5 days a week.  This will replace all other Science homework and their usage will be closely monitored by their science teacher.  All Year 11 students will have been introduced to Tassomai and will have set up their accounts by Monday 2 March.

We are convinced Tassomai will be a significant support for your child in the remaining weeks prior to their Science GCSE exams.  Please discuss Tassomai with your child and make sure they are using this programme for between 15-20 mins, 5 days a week.

If you wish to discuss Tassomai or any aspect of your child’s Science GCSEs further, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at alexandra.hird@epschool.org.
