Laura Knight
When did you attend EPCS?
1990 – 1995
What are you most proud of?
In general I’m most proud of being a caring and involved mum but at school I was proud of my English and Drama grades and having made life long friends.
What is your favourite memory from school?
Being involved with the school production of Oliver which then inspired me to join a performing arts school as an extracurricular activity. I made some really good friends and had some great experiences there.
Would you do anything differently if you had your time at school again?
I do wish I had worked a bit harder and fulfilled my potential. I did well given the lack of effort I put in, but I could have done so much more. However, I enjoyed my school years, I didn’t find it stressful or hate it so I don’t think I’d do anything differently.
What is the most valuable thing you learned at school?
From an academic perspective, I use my English and grammar skills the most in my career. I have exceeded mine and other people’s expectations because of my ability to communicate, report, respond and articulate my words. On a personal level, I learnt respect gets you a long way in life.
What did you do immediately after leaving school?
I knew I wanted to do something within performing arts, but felt it was more important to get some practical skills so I went to Bracknell College and did an NVQ Level 2 in Business and secretarial skills.
Did you go to a college/university?
After the NVQ 2 I went on to do A Levels in Media studies, theatre studies and communication studies.
What is your current job?
Learning & Development Coordinator.
What region do you currently live in?
Bracknell, Berkshire, South West
What one piece of advice would you give to our students?