Highlights from EPCS Newsletter Issue #2

We are delighted to share our second issue of Highlights from EPCS Despite the unprecedented challenges, uncertainties, and turmoil the nation is facing, the EPCS school community remains strong and active, working and learning together – albeit from a distance!...

We miss you!

A huge well done to you all for hanging in there, being kind in this challenging time, and doing the very best job you can with your home learning. We are very proud of you and hope to see you all again soon. From your teachers and support staff at Easthampstead Park...

Distance Learning – Changes from 27.04.2020

Changes to Distance Learning from Monday 27 April 2020 We have sent a letter to all Parents , Carers and Students explaining the changes to Distance Learning from Monday 27 April 2020 Here are some quick guides for the changes 1. Updated top tips for Distance Learning...
Need to Talk?

Need to Talk?

Need to talk? Kooth is the UK’s leading mental health and wellbeing platform. Over half of all 11-18 year olds have access to Kooth. Kooth is a transformational digital mental health support service. It gives children and young people easy access to an online...

Shakespeare’s Globe – Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare’s Globe Looking forward to our free stream of Romeo and Juliet on YouTube next week? 💔 Take a sneaky glimpse at the show from our original trailer back in 2009. ⏰ Make sure to set your reminders and join us on Monday 20 April, 7.00pm! #StaySafe...